Law Enforcement A.A.S.

requirement for the Minnesota Peace Officer licensing standards. All course work is certified by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and meets the mandated learning objectives.

LLTC provides the mandated education for this degree. The mandated skills training is presently provided by Hibbing Community College. These programs together meet and surpass the Minnesota requirements to be a licensed police officer.

Upon entrance and registration for the Law Enforcement program, all students are required to complete a criminal background check with the State of Minnesota. If a student’s criminal background check puts him/her at risk of being ineligible for POST certification, that student will be informed of such by the Law Enforcement Program Coordinator. If necessary, other program options will be recommended.

Graduates will be able to:

  • Interpret the history and social theories of the juvenile delinquency justice system.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how U.S. history led to the development of our criminal justice system today.
  • Understand Minnesota Criminal and Traffic Laws.
  • Understand the U.S. Constitution as it relates to Federal, State, Tribal, and local law enforcement agencies.
  • Write complete and competent police reports.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the criminal investigation process. 
  • Understand our history’s ethical concerns and perceptions of law enforcement in and around tribal lands.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the function and role of law enforcement in culturally diverse communities along with police-citizen interaction on tribal lands.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify and conduct proper investigations involving controlled substances.
  • Develop the ability to prepare for the Minnesota P.O.S.T. exam.

The skills courses are offered through Hibbing Community College and are NOT part of the A.A.S. Degree. They are required to satisfy the Minnesota P.O.S.T. learning objectives to qualify to take the Minnesota Peace Officers Exam. Please see the Minnesota P.O.S.T. web site for complete information concerning peace officer standards and training.

Other Requirement include: having a First Responders Certification, MMPI Psychological exam ($165.00), a physical exam (on your own), and a valid driver’s license to attend the skills training.

61 Credits
Law Enforcement 2023-2025 Program of Study

General Education Courses: 28 credits Cr. Pre-Req Term CK
ANI 200 Indigenous Leadership 3 Spring
Category 3 Natural Science course with a Lab 4 FA/SP
EDU 102 Miikana (FYE) 3 FA/SP
ENGL 101 English Composition I 3 FA/SP
ITECH 100 Computer Applications I 3 FA/SP
POLSC 225 Treaty Law and Tribal Sovereignty 3 Interm.
PSY 100 General Psychology 3 Fall
PSY 220 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSY 100 Spring
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 FA/SP
SPCH 100 Speech and Communications 3 ENGL 101 FA/SP
Law Enforcement Program Requirements: 30 credits Cr. Pre-Req Term CK
LE 100 Physical Conditioning 3 Spring
LE 104 Minnesota Statutes & Traffic Law 3 Fall
LE 105 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Fall
LE 122 Constitutional Law and Civil Liability 3 LE 104 Spring
LE 150 Report Writing 3 LE 104 Spring
LE 209 Community Policing Tribal Lands 3 LE 122 Spring
LE 210 Juvenile Delinquency and Justice 3 LE 105 Fall
LE 221 Evidence, Procedure, and Criminal Investigations 3 LE 122 Spring
LE 223 Controlled Substances: Identification and Investigation 3 POLSC 225 or IP Spring
LE 280 Police Ethics 3 LE 209 Fall
Non-Course Requirement
EMS-First Responder □ Met □ Not Met
POST Skills Training (Hibbing Community College) Required to qualify for MN Peace Officers Exam. 12 credits
Total= 61 Credits

Please note that some of the pre-req’s may be completed based on competency.